
IAPA International Conference Miami, November 2018

The future for the professional services - embracing change to stay competitive - 

Jan van Wijngaarden was among more than 65 professional advisors from some 40 accounting firms in 24 countries attending IAPA’s International Conference recently held in Miami, USA. JM Corporate Finance is a member of the IAPA, a leading international association of independent accounting, law and business advisory firms with 195 member firms in 67 countries.

The exclusive event connected IAPA’s global members to network and strengthen new/existing business relationships around the world, to learn how to improve services to clients operating both nationally and across borders and to share the latest international developments in tax, law, fintech /blockchain and regulatory issues.

IAPA was delighted to welcome external speakers to enrich the event on a range of business management issues including ‘The importance of brand management’ by Michael Earmark, President & Chief of Branding and Strategy at ROC Nation and ‘How to coach business advisors to success’ by Lisa Tierney, Tierney Coaching & Consulting Inc.

Futurologist Dr James Bellini gave a fascinating presentation ‘Horizon 2025 and Beyond. Are you ready for the challenges of a future disrupted world?’ As the professional services undergo significant challenges with the introduction of disruptive technologies, James discussed how as professional advisors IAPA members can harness the opportunities and avoid the threats of a new world of Fintech, Legaltech and other game changing innovations. 

This combination of technical expertise, sharing of best practice and professional insights is what makes the IAPA International conferences such a success. Teamed with networking social opportunities in and around the beautiful Miami South Beach area there was plenty of time for members to get to know each other in a relaxed setting and discuss future global business opportunities.

Jan van Wijngaarden, partner at JM Corporate Finance, said, “As always it is the global networking and knowledge sharing with fellow members that we find so valuable at IAPA events.  Meeting members face to face cements trusted relationships and our clients are pleased that we can call our international IAPA colleagues, in key business locations worldwide, at any time, for first-hand global business advice. As new technologies enter our working environment, we need to keep up with the latest in thought leadership to remain competitive. The additional business development discussions and presentations we participate in enable us to refresh our ideas on, for example, brand awareness and leadership issues that empower us to instigate change back in the office for the good of our firm, our employees and of course our clients”.

About JM Corporate Finance, Jan van Wijngaarden
JM Corporate Finance was founded in 2009. The company combines the experience of more than 12 senior advisors who each have a proven track record in both SME and international transactions in each and every line of business. Would you like to read more about our international business services, please click here www.jmpartners.nl

About IAPA

IAPA is a global association of independent accounting, business advisory and law firms representing the expertise of over 160 member firms with some 230 offices in some 65 countries around the world. For more information visit: www.iapa.net or contact Louise Norbury, at l.norbury@iapa.net.

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