
Deelname JM Corporate Finance aan IAPA's internationale conferentie in Barcelona

Achieving Market Leading Practice Profitability

IAPA Annual International Conference, Barcelona, 22-25 October

November 1, 2017

JM Corporate Finance in Breda/ Amsterdam was among more than 50 professional advisors from some 40 accounting firms in 28 countries attending IAPA’s International Conference held in Barcelona, Spain 22-25 October. JM Corporate Finance is a member of IAPA, a top 10 international association of independent accounting and business advisory firms with 172 member firms in 63 countries.

The exclusive event connected IAPA’s global members to network and strengthen new/existing business relationships around the world, to learn how to improve services to clients operating both nationally and across borders, to share the latest insights in the accounting and business environment and to understand how firms can expand their businesses into new territories.

Speakers from professional consultancies and experts in technical fields updated members on the latest developments in International Tax and M&A issues as well as sharing the latest opportunities for ‘Doing business in Spain’.

The theme of the working conference was ‘Achieving Market Leading Practice Profitability’ and attendees from JM Corporate Finance gained valuable pragmatic solutions to improve practice performance from discussions based on members’ success stories, as well as from conference guest speaker, Jim Thomas, PDW Group, UK.  Jim led an engaging and interactive discussion on this topic incorporating the top 10 tried and tested approaches to transforming people, engagement, client advocacy and ultimately higher profits. 

This combination of technical expertise, sharing of best practice and professional insights is what makes the IAPA International conferences such a success. Teamed with networking excursions to visit the highlights of this cosmopolitan city, the 2017 IAPA International Conference was a fantastic occasion to get to know fellow members and discuss future global business opportunities.

Jan van Wijngaarden, partner at JM Corporate Finance said, “As always it is the global networking and knowledge sharing with fellow members that we find so valuable at IAPA events.  Meeting members face to face cements trusted relationships and our clients are pleased that we can call our international IAPA colleagues, in key business locations worldwide, at any time, for first-hand global business advice.  The group discussions and presentations enable us to be up to date on relevant global business issues and we use this information to help advise our clients on the best solutions to meet their national or international professional needs.”

About JM Corporate Finance
JM Corporate Finance was founded in 2009. The company combines the experience of more than 10 senior advisors who each have a proven track record in both SME and international transactions in each and every line of business. Would you like to read more about our international business services, please click here

About IAPA
IAPA is a global association of independent accounting and business advisory firms representing the expertise of 172 member firms in 63 countries around the world. For more information visit: https://iapa.net/ or contact Louise Norbury, at l.norbury@iapa.net


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