
IAPA conferentie 3 t/m 5 juni jl.

JM Corporate Finance B.V. expands its global connectivity at IAPA European, Middle East and African Conference, Vienna, 3-5 June 2016.

Local JM Corporate Finance, Heusing 12 Breda (Netherlands) was among the 50 global business advisory firms attending IAPA’s European, Middle East and African Regional (EMEA) Conference held in Vienna, 3-5 June at Le Meridien Hotel, Vienna, Austria.  JM Corporate Finance is a member of IAPA, a top 10 international association of independent accounting and business advisory firms with approximately 200 member firms in some 70 countries.

Jan van Wijngaarden, Partner at JM Corporate Finance said, “I was delighted to reconnect with my global colleagues as well as meet new people at the IAPA EMEA Conference where I met over 75 members from 28 countries.  The IAPA EMEA region is a vibrant, forward thinking group whose expertise helps JM Corporate Finance extend our professional reach across borders, ensuring we have the necessary contacts throughout Europe, the Middle East, Africa and beyond to support our clients.  The valuable networking opportunities that the IAPA events offer, both broaden and strengthen our working relationships with our global members.  They additionally enable us to learn from each other through ‘Best Practice’ and ‘Knowledge Sharing’ Forums, inspiring us to innovate, find solutions and explore additional benefits for our clients. 

Member led presentations at the event included ‘Maintaining top client relationships….Philosophy for Success’, ‘IT developments in Accounting’ and ‘Ways to develop new business opportunities’.  Other key speakers presented Data Security and Authenticity, Service Organisation Controls and International Tax issues, cementing knowledge in specific areas of Audit and Tax. 

Stephen Hamlet, IAPA CEO commented ‘It was my absolute pleasure to have met so many IAPA members in Vienna. It was exactly one year ago since I attended my first IAPA event, prior to becoming IAPA’s global CEO shortly afterwards, and I look back on an eventful and very exciting past 12 months. Part of our Vienna programme included discussions with our members over the future strategy of IAPA and the recently announced collaboration with Allinial Global, whose organisation was represented in Vienna by their CEO and Chairman, along with a member of the newly formed integration committee.

It was fantastic having such open discussions with members and I was delighted to receive such positive feedback on what we have achieved over the past 12 months, where we are now, and on the future potential as to what we can become with this collaboration. I look forward to further developments within the association and to our upcoming events.’

About IAPA
IAPA is a global association of independent accounting and business advisory firms representing the expertise of approximately 200 member firms with over 300 offices in some 70 countries around the world. For more information visit: www.iapa.net or contact Louise Norbury, at l.norbury@iapa.net.

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